The In Betweens

On a road trip there are a lot of in between moments: food you don’t want to forget, gorgeous fields you pass by that beckon you to stop and run through them, wonderful hosts you’ve shared a meal with, and random moments like watching cattle march down the streets of a city.  This is one of those posts.  Enjoy these and then go enjoy yours.
rt_blog_41rt_blog_40rt_blog_42Thanks Dylan for the stories, mini tour of Albuquerque, and letting us win at foosball.  Your adobe condo is cute.  I had to show it off.  rt_blog_43rt_blog_47

rt_blog_61 rt_blog_53Troy, we wouldn’t have wanted to share our “All The Way” hashbrowns from Waffle House with anybody else.  Thanks for the warm apartment and letting us catch up on the Olympics.  rt_blog_89rt_blog_92rt_blog_59rt_blog_60rt_blog_56


This is my college cross country teammate turned pro-biker.  Lauren, I am so inspired by you and love your family! Thanks for the last minute bed Robertson Family!

Wish you were here!rt_blog_45